National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland
Register of Associations
The name of the association is the Union of the European Phoniatricians, and its domicile is Helsinki, Finland. The abbreviation UEP may be used unofficially as an abbreviation for the name of the Association.
The purposes of the Union are to:
To achieve these goals the Union:
To support its activities the Union may accept donations and bequests.
Physicians active in phoniatrics and accepting the purposes of the Union may be accepted as members of the Union.
Membership of the Union is admitted by the Board of Directors of the Union upon application.
Upon a motion by the Board of Directors any person who has significantly promoted and supported the activities of the Union may be invited at a meeting of the Union to become a honorary chairperson or honorary member.
Any member is entitled to resign from the Union by so declaring in writing to the Board or to the Chairperson or, at a meeting, by declaring his resignation for entry in the minutes.
The Board may expel a member in the event that the said member has failed to pay his due membership fee or has otherwise failed to meet the obligations to which he committed himself by joining the Union or has by conduct in or outside the Union significantly harmed the Union, or who no longer meets the terms of membership stated in law or in the bylaws of the Union.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) decides on the annual membership fee to be collected from the ordinary members. Membership fees are not payable by the honorary chairperson or the honorary members.
The business of the Union shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of a chairperson and at least three and at most eight ordinary members elected at the Annual General Meeting.
The term of office of the Board is three of the periods between the annual general meetings.
The Board elects a vice-chairperson from among its members and appoints a secretary, a treasurer and other requisite officers from among its members or from outside.
Meetings of the Board are called by its chairperson or, in the event of hindrance, by the vice-chairperson, when they find cause thereto or when at least half of the members of the Board so demand.
The Board of Directors is quorate when at least half its members including the chairperson or the vice-chairperson are present. Voting results are decided on the basis of simple majority. In the event of a tie the vote of the chairperson is decisive but elections, however, shall be decided by the drawing of lots.
The name of the Union is signed any two together by the Chairperson, the Vice-chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.
The fiscal period of the Union is the calendar year.
The financial statement with the requisite documents and the annual report of the Board shall be rendered to the auditors not later than three weeks prior to the AGM. The auditors shall render their report in writing to the Board not later than two weeks prior to that meeting.
The AGM will be kept annually on a day selected by the Board of Directors.
An extraordinary meeting shall be held when the AGM so decides or when the Board of Directors finds reason thereto or when no fewer than one tenth (1/10) of the members entitled to vote so demand of the Board in writing for a specifically stated matter. Such a meeting shall be held within thirty days of the time at which the demand was put to the Board.
At meetings of the Union any ordinary member, the Honorary Chairperson and any Honorary Member has one vote each.
Unless otherwise stated in the bylaws, the decision of the meeting shall be the opinion supported by over one half of the votes cast. In the event of a tie, the vote of the Chairperson is decisive but in elections, however, shall be decided by the drawing of lots.
The Board shall convene meetings of the Union at least seven days prior to the meeting, by letter mailed to the members or by e-mail.
The following matters shall be dealt with at the AGM:
If any member wishes to bring a matter before the Union, he shall give notice thereof to the Board in writing early enough for the matter to be included in the call convening a meeting.
Any decision to amend the bylaws or to dissolve the Union shall be made at a meeting of the Union by a vote of three-quarters (3/4) of the votes cast there. The call convening the meeting shall give notice of such amendment or dissolution.
At dissolution of the Union its funds shall be employed to promote the purposes of the Union as decided by the meeting deciding on the dissolution. In the event that the Union is abolished, such funds shall be employed for the same purpose.