Union of the
The Medical Specialty for Communication and Swallowing Disorders



Prof. Dr. Katrin Neumann, MD

Klinik für Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie, Universitätsklinikum Münster - Münster, Germany

Topics of Experience:

investigation of speech, language, & hearing processes using electrophysiology, neuroimaging, & signal analysis; newborn hearing, infant language, & neonatal CMV screenings, hearing screening & intervention for persons with intellectual disability; developmental language & fluency disorders, voice disorders, hearing aids & implants





Prof. Dr. Igor Kastyro, PhD, DSc

European Institute for Clinical Physiology and Pathology - Herceg Novi, Montenegro

Topics of Experience:

the voice of the hearing impaired, septoplasty, surgical stress, hippocampus, depression, oxidative stress, heart rate variability, p53 protein, apoptosis, neuroprotection, inflammation, transplantation



Mari Qvarnström, MD, Ph.D.

Head of Department, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland

Topics of Experience:

Speech and language disorders, speech motorics, learning difficulties



Assoc Prof Dr.H.Bengü Çobanoğlu, MD, M.Sc

Karadeniz Technical University Medical Faculty, Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Trabzon/Turkey

Topics of Experience:

speech after head and neck cancer treatments,
treatment of vocal fold benign lesions
hearing restoration during typmpanoplasties and implant surgeries
tinnitus management in elderly patients



Assoc. Prof.Dr. Ramón Hernández-Villoria, MD, Sp., M.Sc.

Centro Clínico de Audición y Lenguaje Cealca - Caracas, Venezuela

Topics of Experience:

My practice covers all areas of phoniatrics but with a greater interest in hearing across lifespan, hearing aids fitting, audiology; clinical phonetics; acoustic voice analysis.Currently involved in research on prenatal hearing screening.



Philipp Mathmann MD

Department of Phoniatrics and Pedaudiology, University Hospital Munster, Germany

Topics of Experience

Hearing in people with intellectual disability
Children speech development
Therapy of developmental language disorders

philippmathmann@drzayed91gmail-com https://philippmathmann.com

Austeja Pecieliunene MD.

Anteja klinika, Vilnius, Lithuania

Topics of Experience

My practice covers all areas of phoniatrics but with a greater interest in professional voice care, acoustic voice analysis, treatment of vocal fold benign lesions, audiology and tinnitus management. .Currently involved in research on vocal fatigue.




World Hearing Day 2025 (3rd March)

This is a webinar with invited Speakers ONLY. Recordings will be available after the discussion on March 3rd 2025.

A high prevalence of undetected hearing loss in people with intellectual disabilities requires hearing screening, diagnosis, and intervention programs

This webinar aims to change mindsets about hearing care for people with intellectual disabilities. They are more likely than the general population to have hearing loss, which usually goes undetected and untreated. A German population-based study investigated the effectiveness and feasibility of an outreach program with repeated hearing screenings, diagnoses and interventions in 1052 people with intellectual disabilities in their living environment (kindergartens, schools, homes, workplaces). Hearing loss was diagnosed in 42% of cases, 68% of which were previously unknown. Hospital invitations for the same procedure in a control cohort were not accepted. Certain comorbidities, e.g. hypertension, frequently co-occurred with hearing loss. Its severity correlated significantly with hearing-related quality of life, but recommended therapies were poorly implemented. Regular outreach programs are feasible, useful and can improve the social participation of people with hearing loss. However, hearing rehabilitation with communication training for those affected involving their caregivers is crucial for success.


Prof. Katrin Neumann, M.D.
Hearing screening, diagnostic, and intervention programs for people with intellectual disabilities – why and how?

Philipp Mathmann, M.D.     
Outcome of a population-based study on the effectiveness and feasibility of regular hearing screening, diagnostics, and intervention programs for people with intellectual disabilities in their living environment.

People with intellectual disability and hearing screening and diagnostic methods      Lucas Prein, M.Sc.  

 Treatment with hearing aids                                       Nils Vogt, B.Pro

Hearing rehabilitation                                                 Prof. Karolin Schäfer, Ph.D.

Hearing-related quality of life                                     Susanna Zielonkowski, cand. med.

Hearing loss-associated comorbidities                       Awa Naghipour, M.D.

Hearing assessment in a clinical setting                     Anna Wiegand, M.D.

Hearing intervention in a clinical setting                    Anna-Sophia Schwalen, M.D.

Needs and call for action                                             Prof. Katrin Neumann, M.D.


Word Hearing Day, March 3rd 2023

Discussion: CHANGING MINDSETS: Let's make ear and hearing care a reality for all!

This is a discussion with invited Speakers ONLY. Recordings will be available after the discussion on March 3rd 2024.

Rethinking is always a challenge. That's why we want to give students from Australia, New Zealand and India and professionals from countries on different continents where hearing and audiology care is not yet as established as in high-income countries an opportunity to share at our virtual event. We also want members of the Audiology Committee of the IALP and the Hearing & Language Committee of the UEP to have their say and show how we imagine "Change Mindsets" from the colorful diversity of our community. 


Changing Mindsets in Ear and Hearing Care – Perspective of Audiology Students  (1 hour)

Moderator: Prof Mridula Sharma, Flinders University with Prof Vidya Ramkumar and Dr Traci FlynnCurrent Masters of Audiology Students from New Zealand (University of Auckland and Canterbury), Australia (Macquarie University, Flinders University, University of Queensland), India (Mahipal University and Sri Ramachandra Institue of Higher Education)

Session Perspectives on Changing Mindsets in Ear and Hearing Care from several countries (2 hours)

·       Nigeria – Prof Dele Owolawi

·       Indonesia  - Prof Nyilo Purnami, Rosa Falerina Husein

·       Saudi Arabia  - Dr Shaza Saleh

·       and Kazakhstan  - Prof Roza Suleimenova

Moderator: Prof Katrin Neumann, Germany

Video Glimpses (30 minutes) from

·       Germany – Dr Philipp Mathmann

·       India – Prof Vidya Ramkumar

·       Egypt – Prof Wafaa El Kholy

·       Brazil – Prof Doris Lewis

Concluding remark (30 minutes) 

Audiology in times of war. Under what circumstances is it possible and what are the contents? – Prof Tetiana Shydlovska, Ukraine

We cordially invite all interested parties to our virtual event for World Hearing Day 2024. Share the diversity of perspectives with us!

All recordings will be available on March 3rd, 2024 on: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX51qxN9Bu0oNti3qo5lT1g


UEP Hearing&Language Committee Meeting 1st June 2023

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UEP Office | Veneranda Klegr |Association Development Manager | GUARANT International |Českomoravská 19, 190 00 | Prague

E: uep-office@phoniatrics.eu