Union of the
The Medical Specialty for Communication and Swallowing Disorders

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Our Corporate Members

UEP Corporate Members

The UEP Family greatly values the collaboration and commitment of our corporate members. Their partnership is vital in advancing our mission, expanding education and strengthening our community, especially of the young pediatricians worldwide. We are deeply grateful for their continued support and shared dedication to fostering growth and innovation within the phoniatric world.



For 30 years, XION has been developing, manufacturing and distributing innovative instruments, devices and systems for endoscopy / minimally invasive surgery applications.

The product range includes rigid and flexible endoscopes, light sources, camera systems, equipment trolleys and software for patient management, documentation of findings, video processing and voice analysis.

Our expertise in precision mechanics, optics, electronics and software development and close cooperation with leading users enable us to perfectly match technologies. Integrated system solutions allow the physician to work more efficiently, increase patient safety and set new standards in endoscopy.

Modern production technologies, a consistently applied quality management system as well as the commitment and many years of experience of our more than 100 employees ensure the outstanding quality of our products and form the basis of our company's successful development.

All XION products are manufactured at our production facility in Berlin.

With several of our own representatives abroad and an international dealer network, XION is now present in more than 50 countries.



APrevent is a leader in vocal health technology, dedicated to advancing patient care through innovative solutions such as APrevent VOIS (Vocal Implant System). VOIS is the world's first and only intra- and post-operative adjustable long-term implant for patients with glottic insufficiency and unilateral vocal fold paralysis (UVFP). It is distinguished by its unique design for medialization thyroplasty, aimed at achieving optimal results, improving voice quality, and reducing complications and revision rates. APrevent has also developed a surgical procedure and instrument kit for VOIS, which is standardized, safe, effective, and minimally invasive.

In 2024, APrevent was honored as the GRAND WINNER of the MedTech Innovator Asia Pacific Accelerator Program, underscoring our commitment to innovation and excellence in the field of vocal health technology.

APrevent collaborates closely with key opinion leaders worldwide and actively markets its product at congresses, workshops, medical device exhibitions, and through publications. Providing clinical evidence for the effectiveness and safety of VOIS is a top priority for APrevent, benefiting both physicians and patients. Regular training programs and experience-sharing at conferences and in publications contribute to the rapid adoption and high acceptance of our products. We are committed to setting new standards in vocal healthcare, focusing on improving voice quality, swallowing function, and overall patient outcomes.


For many years, WEVOSYS has been actively participating in UEP conferences, building strong relationships with members and experts, including president Haldun Oguz, who initially encouraged us to explore the possibility of joining the UEP. Inspired by his suggestion, we are thrilled to announce that we have now been officially welcomed as members of this prestigious community. It is a privilege to become part of the UEP. We are honored to join a distinguished group of professionals committed to advancing the science of voice and speech.

At WEVOSYS, we focus on creating innovative tools to support both clinicians and researchers. Our flagship software, lingWAVES, has been instrumental in diagnosing and treating voice, speech, and laryngeal disorders. With its modular design, lingWAVES allows professionals to tailor the system to their specific requirements, making it a flexible solution in areas such as ENT, phoniatrics, and speech therapy. A standout feature of the software is its ability to make the voice visually accessible, providing real-time feedback that enhances therapeutic effectiveness.

This visual representation of vocal activity benefits not only patients but also professionals in voice training, including actors and singers, who can use lingWAVES to improve and refine their vocal technique. By visualizing the voice, the software offers valuable insights that contribute to better voice control and preservation.

We are also excited to introduce our High-Speed Video Endoscopy, an advanced evolution of traditional stroboscopy. This cutting-edge technology captures vocal fold movements in real time, delivering a new level of detail and precision for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. It marks a significant leap forward in the analysis and understanding of vocal fold function.

Joining the UEP reinforces our commitment to delivering advanced technology for both medical and voice training professionals. We look forward to the opportunities this membership will bring and are eager to collaborate with fellow UEP members to continue pushing the field forward.


While the OR has been the main site for ENT procedures for many years, growing hospital backlogs have led to demand for treatment approaches that can help ease the burden.

With the use of innovative medical devices and software from Olympus, doctors may diagnose and treat patients in an outpatient environment, helping to clear the patient backlog, while also lowering hospital treatment costs, boosting efficiency, and improving patient comfort.

Whether it's to the office, an outpatient room or a private practice, now is the time to make the MOVE — and our unparalleled expertise, technology and experience are here to help.


DoctorVox is a company dedicated to the research and development of the human voice. In the vision, DoctorVox has a true sense of purpose in "creating a better voice. DoctorVox Voice Therapy is a direct technique for general use. It is a holistic and cognitive approach which gives a multichannel biofeedback. The technique uses multiple mechanisms at the same time without forcing –even without thinking! The doctorVOX drives your voice system into a natural, safe, and effective way. If users are preparing for a vocal performance, it is the safest way for voice to warm-up and cool-down. Singers working with DoctorVox Methods, immediately produce better sound quality even with very few prior instructions, since they use the help of physics at the moment they start bubbling. We call this effect the 'Sihvo' effect which prolongs up to minutes even after using the device.


Soluvos medical

Soluvos Medical specialises in high-quality solutions for operating room and office-based therapies in the fields of Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT), Laryngology and Phoniatrics. Our company was established in 2015 and is privately held. We possess vast knowledge and skill in the medical fields of ENT, Laryngology and Phoniatrics. We provide our clients in numerous European countries with first-rate services and effective logistics.

We emphasise on quality, service and training to live up to our ever growing reputation. Our experience in the pharmaceutical and medical device industry can help you to connect with ENT physicians, industry and patients to establish the best product portfolio.

Our Partners

Worth a visit

Phoniatric Societies

National Societies

German Society of Phoniatrics and Pedaudiology
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie (DGPP)
Italian Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
Societa Italiana di Foniatria e Logopedia (SIFEL)
Italian Society of Audiology and Phoniatrics
Societa Italiana di Audiologia e Foniatria
Unified Labor Union of the Italian Audiologists and Phoniatricians
Sindacato Unico degli Audiologi e Foniatri Italiani
Swedish Phoniatric Society
Svensk Foniatrisk Förening
Swiss Society of Phoniatricians
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Phoniatrie
Spanish Medical Society of Phoniatrics
Sociedad Médica Española de Foniatría (SOMEF)

International Societies

Union of the European Phoniatricians (UEP)https://uep.phoniatrics.eu
International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP)www.ialp.info

Other Societies

European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS)
Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes (UEMS)
European Laryngological Society (ELS)https://www.iapa-audiovestibularmedicine.com/
International Society of Physicians in Audiology (IAPA)www.iapa-online.org
Pan-European Voice Conference (PEVOC)www.pevoc.org
International bureau for Audiophonology
Bureau International d'Audiophonologie (BIAP)
Standing Liaison Committee of E.U. Speech and Language Therapists and Logopedists
Comité Permanent de Liaison des Orthophonistes/Logopèdes de l'Union Européenne (cplol)
European Federation of Audiology Societies (efas)www.efas.ws
European Academy of Otorhinolaryngology, Head
and Neck Surgery (EAORL HNS)
Collegium Medicorum Theatri (CoMeT)www.comet-collegium.com
Saudi ORL H&N Societyorl-hn-conf.com
Society of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (Turkey)
Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Bogun Cerrahisi Derneği
Professional Voice Society (Turkey)
Profesyonel Ses Derneği
SOREFON (Sociedad Filial de Foniatria de la Sociedad Española de Rehabilitación)https://www.sermef.es/sorefon-2/
Society of Voice, Speech and Swallowing Disorders (Turkey)
Ses, Konuşma ve Yutma Bozuklulari Derneği

We are members

Our Partners

UEP Office | Veneranda Klegr |Association Development Manager | GUARANT International |Českomoravská 19, 190 00 | Prague

E: uep-office@phoniatrics.eu